Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) is a common weed found in many home lawns, athletic fields, golf courses, and other turfgrass ares. The color and rapid growth rate make yellow nutsedge a prominent distraction in the aesthetics of high quality lawns. Yellow nutsedge is distinctive and relatively easy to identify. The stems are erect, triangular-shaped and yellow-green in color. The leaves are also yellow-green, wide (0.38 to 0.50 inch) bladed with a thick mid-vein and a very waxy covering. The shallow, fibrous root system often produces many nut-like tubers, which are underground food storage organs. Each of these tubers can germinate and produce new plants. Each new plant can also produce rhizomes which can give rise to additional new plants.
Yellow Nutsedge