Pythium blight begins in mature turf as small slimy or greasy looking spots. The spots may assume a reddish color if weather conditions become cooler and drier. When the turfgrass is wet or where air circulation is poor, the cottony, white, weblike mycelium of the fungus maybe observed. This disease can develop rapidly and extensively in poorly drained areas and is especially prone to following surface drainage channels. Other common names for this disease are "greasy spot" or "cottony blight," and it occurs most commonly in perennial ryegrass lawns. Pythium fungi are "water molds" which produce microscopic swimming spores. These spores are attracted to living plants. Plants that are succulent from recent nitrogen fertilization are more susceptible to infection. The fungi grow well in soil and thatch in wet weather and survive as thick-walled resting spores during adverse conditions. Pythium species are present in every soil and will grow rapidly under conducive conditions. Pythium fungi commonly cause seed rots and seedling death, resulting in the poor establishment of newly seeded turf. Infected seeds fail to germinate. Infected seedlings are discolored, and many topple over at the soil line and die.

Stellar, PrimeraONE Proplant, Banol, Subdue Maxx, PrimeraONE Mefenoxam, Segway, Chipco Signature