Goosegrass is a coarse, bunch-type grass that forms a basal rosette of prostrate to occasionally upright flattened stems up to 2 feet long. The stems do not root at nodes. The root system is fibrous, and the lower portions of stems near the base are silver or white. The leaves of goosegrass are dark green, pubescent near the base, and smooth and keeled below. They grow up to 12 inches long and 1/3 inch wide and are either flat or folded. Goosegrass flowers are composed of 2 to 10 flattened, finger-like spikes that resemble a zipper. They emerge from a common point (windmill-like) in July to September. This weed occurs in lawns and sports turf areas during the mid to late growing season. It is usually found in full sun and often in poorly drained or compacted soil. Goosegrass tolerates close mowing.