Tyee Bentgrass
Tyee possesses a bright, dark true-green color, not a blue green like many of the new creeping bentgrasses. It maintains this color through the heat of summer and into winter. This color is uniform and provides an appealing contrast with other grasses in the fairway. Tyee has shown superior Brown Patch and Dollar Spot resistance. It has also demonstrated excellent resistance to Copper Spot and Pythium Root Rot and high resistance to Pink Snow Mold. Tyee, like many high density bentgrasses used for greens (Penn A-4, Shark, Penn A-1, Declaration, Kingpin and T-1) requires more extensive management for thatch control, including top-dressing and verticutting. The rewards from using Tyee are a superior putting surface, reduced syringing, less herbicides, and reduced thatch production when compared to other high density bentgrasses.
Tyee possesses a bright, dark true-green color, not a blue green like many of the new creeping bentgrasses. It maintains this color through the heat of summer and into winter. This color is uniform and provides an appealing contrast with other grasses in the fairway. Tyee has shown superior Brown Patch and Dollar Spot resistance. It has also demonstrated excellent resistance to Copper Spot and Pyth...
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