Penncross Bentgrass
Penncross has set the bentgrass standard since 1955. It has a medium green coloration and has rapid establishment. It is known for its aggressive, lateral growth habit and wide range of adaptability. Penncross has excellent resistance to dollar spot as well as other diseases.
Penncross bent grass is designed for extensively managed golf greens and tees and lawn bowling surfaces.
Penncross performs best in soils with a pH of 5.5 to 8. It has a moderate nitrogen requirement with 1-2 pounds of actual N per 1,000 square feet per year adequate in most situations. Penncross' optimum mowing height is 3/16 to 5/16 inch but can be adjusted higher or lower depending upon maintenance practices and intended use. Penncross creeping bent grass performs best on a sandy soil and tolerates clay soils with adequate drainage. Most bent grasses do not perform well in wet areas, however, Penncross creeping bent grass can tolerate saturated soil conditions for short periods of time.
Penncross has set the bentgrass standard since 1955. It has a medium green coloration and has rapid establishment. It is known for its aggressive, lateral growth habit and wide range of adaptability. Penncross has excellent resistance to dollar spot as well as other diseases.
Penncross bent grass is designed for extensively managed golf greens and tees and lawn bowling surfaces.
Penncross perf...
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