Hydrasmart bottle Hydrasmart bottle

Hydra-Iron Up 5

Brand: HydraSmart


Label , SDS

Hydra-Iron Up 5 is designed to prevent and/or correct iron deficiencies in most crops, ornamentals, and turfgrass. Hydra-Iron Up 5 can be applied to the soil or foliage and can be applied alone or combined with other nutrients or pesticides. Hydra-IronUP5 is designed to significantly reduce the risk of staining on concrete, siding, walkways, etc., but applicants should use extreme caution around untreated porous surfaces such as marble and wood.

Contact us today for pricing & size information.

Cool Season Rates

3.0 – 6.0 oz weekly or biweekly per 1,000 acres.

Warm Season Rates

3.0 – 6.0 oz weekly or biweekly per 1,000 acres.