Hydrasmart bottle Hydrasmart bottle

Hydra-Base 18-0-6

Brand: HydraSmart


Label , SDS

Low Salt Index. No Phosphates. No Nitrates. No Chlorides. A building block for protein, Hydra-Base 18-0-6 is a phosphate free foliar fertilizer with 100% quick release urea. Potassium derived from potassium acetate (KA) for superior foliar uptake. Hydra-Base Nitrogen is broken down both chemically and biologically, which provides a lower use rate for higher quality results. Tank mix compatible with most pesticides.

Contact us today for pricing & size information.

Cool Season Rates:

3.0 - 8.0 oz. / 1000

Warm Season Rates:

3.0 - 8.0 oz. / 1000

Ornamental Rate:

1.0 - 4.0 quarts / 100 gallons

Root Injection:

1.0 - 2.5 gallons / 100 gallons