High-Cal Lime Greens Grade
High Calcium Lime Greens Grade has Micro-Cal prills that are sized specifically for specialty turf applications. High purity calcitic limestone is formed into dust-free pellets, which are easy to apply, yet dissolve quickly to neutralize acid soils and add calcium. Applications using High-Calcium Lime is an important part of a turf and ornamental management program in the humid, Mid-Atlantic States. Because, rainfall exceeds 30 inches per year, leaching basic or alkaline-forming ions, such as calcium and magnesium, from the soil and resulting in an acid soil condition which restricts growth of turf. In an average year in the Mid-Atlantic over 50% of the soils test with a pH lover than 6.0. The optimum pH level for turf is in the 6.2-6.5 range. Rates can vary on pelletized lime based on the results of the soil test.
High Calcium Lime Greens Grade has Micro-Cal prills that are sized specifically for specialty turf applications. High purity calcitic limestone is formed into dust-free pellets, which are easy to apply, yet dissolve quickly to neutralize acid soils and add calcium. Applications using High-Calcium Lime is an important part of a turf and ornamental management program in the humid, Mid-Atlantic States...
Contact us today for pricing & size information.