Take Soil Amending to the Next Level
Not only does this zeolite mineral have the highest CEC of all physical soil amendments, its holds and releases potassium and ammonium, retains water and creates porosity resulting in enhanced growing conditions.
Features & Benefits
- Highest CEC of all physical soil amendments on the market.
- Naturally occurring mineral that is mined, crushed and screened
- Low bulk density of about 1,300 pounds per cubic yard
- Porous structure retains and slowly release water and nutrients
Research at Cornell University showed that when Ecolite is mixed with a USGA-type sand at a 10 percent rate, the CEC of the mix is more than 160 times greater than sand alone. In effect, it makes all fertilizer applications "slow release."
Take Soil Amending to the Next Level
Not only does this zeolite mineral have the highest CEC of all physical soil amendments, its holds and releases potassium and ammonium, retains water and creates porosity resulting in enhanced growing conditions.
Features & Benefits
- Highest CEC of all physical soil amendments on the market.
- Naturally occurring mineral that is mined, crus...
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