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Dress Blues



Designed to be a versatile, sturdy turf suited for sod production, golf course fairways, athletic fields, and highly manicured lawns. Ideal to mix with Field General or Brigadier perennial ryegrass for athletic turf or the Southern Lawn family of tall fescue for a darker textured high cut area.

Our Bluegrass Guarantee

  • All varieties will be top 10% NTEP
  • All varieties will be VA / MD recommended
  • Will be blue tag certified
  • Registered by the state of VA and Maryland

Designed to be a versatile, sturdy turf suited for sod production, golf course fairways, athletic fields, and highly manicured lawns. Ideal to mix with Field General or Brigadier perennial ryegrass for athletic turf or the Southern Lawn family of tall fescue for a darker textured high cut area.

Our Bluegrass Guarantee

  • All varieties will be top 10% NTEP
  • All varieties will be VA / MD ...

Contact us today for pricing & size information.

Seeding Rate

3.0 to 5.0 lbs. / 1000 sq. ft.


2.0 to 3.0 inch cutting height. Blues can be mowed lower with higher maintenance.