Daconil Action + Appear Multipak
Daconil Action helps turf activate its own defense system to increase its level of PR proteins. With a boost of protein, grass can help take care of itself. Daconil Action exhibits an additional unique mode of action, beyond that provided by chlorothalonil alone, which mimics the natural systemic activated resistance (SAR) response found in most plant species.
Appear fungicide delivers improved summer stress tolerance and greater pythium and anthracnose control than your current phosphite/pigment program. The special pH neutral, pigmented formulation provides a deeper green color for your greens and tees. Appear provides improved turf quality and mixes easily with Daconil Action™ or Secure™ on a 14 day greens and tees program, even under extreme summer temperatures.
Daconil Action helps turf activate its own defense system to increase its level of PR proteins. With a boost of protein, grass can help take care of itself. Daconil Action exhibits an additional unique mode of action, beyond that provided by chlorothalonil alone, which mimics the natural systemic activated resistance (SAR) response found in most plant species.
Appear fungicide delivers improved ...
Contact us today for pricing & size information.
Active Ingredient |
Appear: 53% Potassium Phosphite |
Package size: |
Gallon Daconil Action: 1.19 gallon unit |