Confront + Dim. 19-0-6
ProScape 19-0-6 Confront + Dimension provides broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in established cool season or warm season turfgrasses. Confront herbicide is particularly effective against established broadleaf weeds such as dandelions and Dimension herbicide prevents the establishment of annual grass weeds, including crabgrass. For use only on nonresidential turf such as athletic and recreational sports fields, cemeteries, golf courses, industrial sites, non-cropland, parks, rights-of-way and roadsides. Do not use this product on residential sites.
ProScape 19-0-6 Confront + Dimension provides broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in established cool season or warm season turfgrasses. Confront herbicide is particularly effective against established broadleaf weeds such as dandelions and Dimension herbicide prevents the establishment of annual grass weeds, including crabgrass. For use only on nonresidential turf such as ...
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