Recently a colleague related a story attributed to Thomas Jefferson that I've come to realize has bearing on how we all should interact with our customers. It made me realize how important it is to demonstrate a willing attitude and to clearly portray a "eyes" face. As the story unfolds...

It seems that Jefferson and his party encountered a stream swollen by several days of heavy rain. Jefferson's group crossed but before the President forded the stream a horseless stranger approached and asked for help in crossing. Jefferson replied in the affirmative, hoisted the stranger up on his horse and together they safely crossed the stream.

Once on the other side one of Jefferson's companions asked the man why he chose to ask the President for help instead of one of the other riders. The man was shocked not realizing that he'd asked the President of the United States for help.

As the story goes once on the other side of the flooded stream the man explained why he'd come to ask Jefferson for a ride. The stranger simply said that, 'some faces say "no" while on others the word "yes" is written.' Mr. Jefferson had a "yes" face.

All at LSI believe it very important to have a "yes face" in the dealings we have with customers. Our "yes face", is represented by a collection of expectations we work to reinforce on a daily basis in those who work for us. As consistently displayed a "yes face" conveys sincere concern for those who reach out for help as they work to deliver solutions to their customers' turf care needs.

LSI strives to be a "yes face" company and to consistently deliver solutions to our customers. So if you're ever figuratively on foot and need to cross a challenging stream please look around for our "yes face".

Recall in last month's Owners' Message I asked for LSI to be seen as your "Stress Relief" company. Hand-in-hand with that view please be sure to look for LSI to show you a "Yes Face" when you call out for assistance.