I believe you'll agree the upcoming summer season has the potential of producing a number of challenges impacting each of us both professionally and personally. But the one common thread through all is the affect those challenges have on our "stress" levels. We all feel stress, we each attempt to control the negatives it inflicts and we realize failure to do so can contribute to a variety of health problems.

Realizing that stress accompanies the job we want to make an earnest commitment; one we don't take lightly and one we want to be held to. Hand-in-hand with being your Best Value Solutions Provider we want to contribute in a significant way to becoming your "Best Stress Reliever".

From our perspective, and I hope you'll agree, Landscape Supply exists for one reason and one reason only. To provide the best possible agronomic solutions to the turf care issues you face, to provide them in a timely manner and to do so at a competitive price.

As we embrace this commitment our goal is to remove concerns from your plate. With all you face on a day-to-day basis one absolute is that Landscape Supply must not be a contributor to your stress. We exist to help, to bring solutions to bear, to listen to your needs and to be responsive to them.

You notice I used the word "help" having done so purposefully. From my perspective being a "helper" requires our internalizing your definition of the word. We can't respond to a request for assistance with "oh, we don't do that" or "we aren't set up or able to go that extra step".

So part of our commitment as your Stress Reliever is to be sure we always do the right thing and consistently demonstrate a willingness to go the extra mile. We ask you to rely on Landscape Supply. Never hesitate to lean on us as your circumstances require. We aren't simply a distributor of products. Instead we are in business to be helpers committed to your personal success.

Of course stress comes from sources outside work but I suspect you have those areas well under control. To that end allow me to give the same counsel I offer to all our employees "work with passion, work with commitment to those you serve, and have fun along the way".

Should you ever find Landscape Supply adding to your stress or for that matter if you see a way we can make your job less stressful please give your sales account manager or me a call.

Have a great spring and summer, enjoy the season, allow us help you with any concerns you may have and don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of service.