Hydrasmart bottle Hydrasmart bottle


Brand: HydraSmart


Label , SDS

90 day soil surfactant. 100% Active Ingredient. 3 high-performance branched
polymers designed for unmatched soil surfactant longevity. Combines 2
complimentary block surfactants with a graft polymer surfactant. Increases hydration
while compensating for microbial degradation of the polymer. Increased vertical and
lateral movement Perfect for fairways and areas that have limited access where turf
managers would prefer to make only one or two applications a year. Delivers uniform
hydration, penetration, and rewetting with extremely low risk of phyto-toxicity. With
Hydra-Last, two complementary surfactants

90 day soil surfactant. 100% Active Ingredient. 3 high-performance branched
polymers designed for unmatched soil surfactant longevity. Combines 2
complimentary block surfactants with a graft polymer surfactant. Increases hydration
while compensating for microbial degradation of the polymer. Increased vertical and
lateral movement Perfect for fairways and areas that have limited access where tur...

Contact us today for pricing & size information.

1 Application

16 oz. / 1000 sq. ft.

Split Applicaiton

8 oz. + 8 oz. (1 to 2 week intervals)